
Each year, bet8体育娱乐入口’s Governmental Relations Office facilitates the 大会实习计划 where selected students work hand-in-hand with 维吉尼亚州 state legislators and their staff during session months.

通过实习经历, students strengthen their political knowledge and deepen their understanding of 维吉尼亚州's General Assembly. 实习是全职的, 在项目期间,参与者将被安置在里士满.

“ODU’s General Assembly Internship Program offers students the unique opportunity to support the inner workings of our state government here in the Commonwealth,斯蒂芬妮·哈伦说, 战略运营和政府关系行政助理.

“每年, the diverse cohort of student interns continues to shine as representatives of the Monarch community by bringing forth their respective skill sets, 在州政府获得专业知识, growing their professional network and exploring pathways for future endeavors post-graduation. It’s such an awesome experience and I encourage all interested students to consider applying for next year’s program.”

今年, six students represented the University as legislative interns during the 60-day, 大会2024年届会.

在节目结束时, 实习生们回答了一些关于他们所学到的问题, how they surmounted challenging moments and what advice they’d give to the next ODU legislative intern cohort.


(左起)ODU总裁Brian O. Hemphill, Ph值.D., La 'Tisa病房, 杰弗里·弗劳尔斯(后排), Aysha沃恩, 埃文·怀特(后面), 贾登·加文和克里斯托弗·惠勒.



分配对象:参议员. Angelia Williams Graves和L. 露易丝·卢卡斯

当我第一次在俄勒冈州立大学注册时,我没有把自己放在政治上. I took an interest in it through the criminal justice classes I was taking and decided to minor in political science. 那 is when I found out about ODU’s General Assembly internship program and the opportunity to connect with individuals in our state government.

现在,毕业后,我想做一名治安官. This internship has prepared me by exposing me to different departments in the 维吉尼亚州 government and by helping me build connections with people who can help me reach my goals.

One thing that challenged me during my internship was how it forced me to get out of my comfort zone. 我不得不去见别人,做自我介绍,而我通常不会这么做. This built my confidence in talking to new people when I would usually be nervous to do that!


分配给:Dels. 玛西娅·“Cia”·普莱斯和C.E. 小克里夫·海耶斯.

The most surprising thing I learned during my internship is that senate and delegate positions are considered part-time and that many of them have full-time jobs. 因为我在这个项目中每周工作40个小时, 我还必须学会平衡我的个人生活, 学校与实习. This experience taught me good time management skills and that even when I'm drained from work, 世界在继续,我也应该继续.

My plan after graduation is to go to dental school and become an oral surgeon. 这次实习对我的帮助很大,因为我能够见到Sen. 托德·皮里安是阿宾顿的一名牙医, 维吉尼亚州他给了我一些申请的建议.

My advice to future ODU interns is that you should not be deterred if you don't major in political science. This internship helps you meet people from all over 维吉尼亚州 who are in various fields and can help advance your future career even if it’s not related to politics.


威廉·史密斯的幕僚长(左). 路易丝·卢卡斯的办公室, engages in conversation with ODU junior intern Aysha沃恩 during a Meet and Greet Session with legislators and staff held at the Broderick 餐厅 Commons Board Room.


分配给:Dels. 菲尔·埃尔南德斯,凯利·康维尔斯-福勒和参议员. 比尔DeSteph

What challenged me the most during this internship was feeling inadequate for the job. 因为我没有多少经验, 我不知道人们是否会信任我做这项工作, 但我从这次经历中学到了很多,它建立了我的信心.

我从没想过会有这样的机会, but I appreciate Stephanie Harron and ODU so much for providing opportunities like these for students.

The most surprising thing I learned was how laid back and fun the delegates and senators are. 我原以为他们会很坚定,但每个人都非常友好. I feel so much more connected and involved in state legislation and strengthening my connection to legislation has enhanced my understanding of the 弗吉尼亚联邦.

La 'Tisa病房,政治学专业,辅修传播学专业,大四

分配给:Sen. Aaron Rouse和Del. 凯利Convirs-Fowler

The number of opportunities to expand your professional and personal network within 维吉尼亚州 state politics, 政策和立法最让我吃惊. 你永远不知道你会在电梯里遇到谁, 或者你在去吃午饭的路上遇到的人. It was super cool chatting in the elevator with the president pro tempore of the State Senate or in the tunnel with the speaker of the House. 名片由Stephanie Harron提供, 我们的“ODU实习生主管”,是我最常用的配件!


(左起)第一夫人苏珊娜. Youngkin, ODU实习生La 'Tisa病房, and Governor Glenn Youngkin during a legislative reception held at the Library of 维吉尼亚州.

在这个实习期间,我有机会运用和提高我的分析能力, 如我所写的技术和创造性技能, 精心制作和设计的时事通讯, 和社交媒体上的帖子. 劳斯和德尔. Convirs-Fowler.

I now have a greater understanding of our state budget and the process of how bills are passed or killed. 其中一些法案影响ODU, 因此,代表们倡导进步是很重要的, innovation and other matters that may concern the University and its students and faculty.


分配给:Dels. 巴里·D. 奈特和杰A. Leftwich小.

毕业后,我打算上法学院,在戴尔公司实习. Leftwich. 在联合国大会之外,德尔. Leftwich is a practicing attorney and working with him helped me gain insight into how he works effectively while working in his political position. Being able to talk with him personally about law school and my future ambitions, 鉴于他的经历, 是有价值的.
当我在ODU入学的时候, I had not even considered this being an opportunity—much less one I would participate in. I had enrolled as a Mechanical Engineering major so government and politics was not on my bingo card, 但我一直对政府很感兴趣, 从我很小的时候就开始关注政治和辩论. So, 在转专业去追求我更真正的激情之后, 我就知道我必须好好研究一下这个实习机会. 
我在很多方面学习和成长,很难只谈论一个. While it was a challenge at first, my efforts to network at receptions paid dividends. I not only made many new connections but it built my confidence and conversation skills, too!
Evan White也参加了实习项目. 埃文是政治科学专业的大二学生,被分配到Sen. 玛米E. 洛克和戴尔. 亚历克斯问. 歪斜的.