网站登录 & 媒体关系


At ODU, extraordinary events unfold regularly. ODU网站登录 & 媒体关系 engages with print, 数字, and broadcast partners to create compelling, 准确的, and timely narratives about ODU and its unwavering dedication to fostering opportunity and achieving excellence. We also share these stories with students, 教师, 工作人员, alumni, and friends. ODU网站登录制作 bet8九州登录入口 以及大学通讯, 内部ODU


  • Share student, 教师, 工作人员, and alumni stories  
  • 支持管理员, 工作人员, and 教师 members in their interactions with media. 
  • 发布网站登录稿; 语句,以及媒体咨询. 
  • Oversee crisis communications and issue management. 
  • Provide on-site media support at events.



Receiving a call from a reporter for an interview can be unnerving but with a little preparation and guidance, you can gain the confidence to share your story effectively. Here are a few quick tips to help you feel prepared before participating in a media interview. 

If a news outlet contacts you via phone or email, it is important to act as quickly as possible. The easiest way to ensure no media requests go unanswered is to simply forward them directly to our office at We will follow up with the reporter, 了解更多他们的要求, and handle scheduling for an interview if appropriate.

  1. 理解请求: Taking the time to understand a journalist’s request will help you understand exactly what they would like to discuss and helps to streamline the interview process. Key information to understand before accepting an interview request includes:
    • What is the subject of the coverage?
    • Are you the appropriate ODU spokesperson?
    • 截止日期是什么时候??
    • Are they seeking a virtual or in-person interview?

提示: 如果您收到媒体请求, the 网站登录 Team is available to help vet the opportunity, 协助安排工作, and ensure your expertise is represented as 准确的ly as possible. 通过这些相互作用, our team can learn more about your area of expertise and identify ways to increase coverage. If you are going to work with the media, please let us know at

  1. 了解你的专长: Take time to think about the request and how your expertise or research are important to the story. Which key points do you want to convey and what is the central message you want to get across? Having a clear understanding of your narrative will help you feel more confident during the interview. There is no wrong way to think about your message — remember, you are the expert!  
  1. 熟能生巧练习你的谈话要点 大声 或者对着镜子. This will help you refine your delivery and will build your confidence to communicate your expertise.  
    • 预见问题:考虑 可能的问题 that the reporter might ask and prepare thoughtful responses in advance.
    • Review Previous Interviews: If you’d like to see examples of media interviews from other ODU 教师 and 工作人员, 电邮至

  1. 是简洁. Keep your answers concise and to the point. Avoid going off on tangents as it can dilute your message and confuse your audience.  
  2. 说真正的. 在面试中做真实的自己. Authenticity can help you 连接 with your audience and makes your story more relatable. 
  3. 避免行话. Avoid technical jargon, acronyms, and academic phrasing. 而不是, explain concepts briefly and in simple language to help deliver engaging and easily understood quotes.
  4. 迎合你的听众. 记住,你的听众是 可能一个 home-viewer or reader who is relying on you and the news outlet to help them further understand complex topics.
  5. 它总是被记录在案. Avoid saying anything you don’t want the reporter to quote in their final story. Anything you say could be included in the final piece unless you and the reporter agree to go “off the record" to share helpful background information. 
  6. 不要偏离你的信息. If you're asked a question that doesn't align with your key points, don’t be afraid to steer the conversation back to your main message. Phrases like "That's an interesting point, and what's essential to remember is...会有帮助. 
  7. 承认你不知道的事情. If you are asked a question that you can’t answer, it's okay to admit that you're unsure. Offer to follow up with the reporter later or 连接 他们与我们的团队寻求帮助. 诚实和透明是关键.
  8. 保持冷静和自信. It’s okay to take a moment and gather your thoughts before responding to a question during an interview. Take a deep breath, stay composed, and answer confidently. 
  9. 看角色. 如果出现在镜头里,那就是 最好的 练穿结实, 黑暗 舒适的服装. Avoid patterns and distracting jewelry. 记得保持眼神交流, 良好的姿势, 出现放松, and use gestures moderately while speaking.

The ODU网站登录 division is here to support you every step of the way. 通过练习和这些技巧, you'll gain the confidence to share your expertise and research effectively and make a meaningful impact. 电邮至


All media inquiries about stories or events related to research, 艺术, 教师, students and 工作人员 at bet8体育娱乐入口 should be directed to the 网站登录 & 媒体关系小组.

For a story or event that involves the 体育运动 Department, contact ODU体育